miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

Article writer for Finance blog. Long term project. $1-$2 per 500 words article. - oDesk

Hello dear odeskers,

I am looking for article writer for my finance blog. Article must be unique and must be in English without any error. I am looking for long-term project. I will provide you company website link, you will check that website and write a profile page on my blog about them like their business, products, services, award, etc... It is flexible job. Every week, I might need only three articles. But your article should be passed in Copyscape. I don't want article spin, if I find out that you have used article spin or similar software, then I will hire another freelancer and you will not get paid for that article.

I will pay $1-$2 per 500 words article. If you can't find much information about any company, then I might accept 400 words article. But no imaginary/unrelated writing about that company.

Please bid on this project if you write by yourself and I need to test your writing skills before awarding you this project. You have to provide 500 words article on my given topic as a sample. I will review your sample article and if you passed, then I will award you this project.

Thanks and happy bidding.

Budget: $15

Starting On: August 29, 2012

Ending On:

Posted On: August 29, 2012 09:00 UTC

ID: 201578875

Category: Writing & Translation > Blog & Article Writing

Skills: finance,english,test

Country: India

Hours Billed: 0.00

click to apply

via All Writing & Translation jobs | oDesk.com https://www.odesk.com/jobs/Article-writer-for-Finance-blog-Long-term-project-per-500-words-article_%7E%7E7351738ec902ab9e?source=rss

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