martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

Custom Wordpress theme and design - oDesk

I need a custom wordpress theme, I am tired of serching for one do do what I want. I am familure with wordpress and want a theme that looks like a web site and not a blog. I will be using mostly pages, but I want the pages and blog portion to look the same. I will want to add several elements to the site, such as shopping cart, aweber, surveys and featured items that will change on a regular basis. I also need the site designed since I know what I like, but don't have the artistic ability to put it together. I have very little content at the moment but plan to add on a regular basis but don't want it in blog form. would you be interested in helping me with this project? if so let me know what you need. Right now in the design area I have nothing but the logo and colors. I do have a few similar sites I like that you could reference.

Starting On: May 2, 2012

Ending On:

Posted On: May 02, 2012 05:29 UTC

ID: 201142199

Category: Web Development > Web Design

Skills: wordpress,design,aweber,basic,logo

Country: United States

Hours Billed: 75.33

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