lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Dynamic Map in JPanel - oDesk


For our business project, we would like to have a dynamic map through Bing or Google.

Basically, we have an address in input like "10th Street, San Francisco, CA" or "10 NE 163rd St, Sunny Isles Beach, FL" for instance, and a map is provided in JPanel with the habitual buttons of zoom, the fact we can move with the mouse, the street view, etc.

Basically, we would like a JPanel which would show the content of the following windows:,+Sunny+Isles+Beach,+FL&aq=0&oq=10+NE+&sll=37.765922,-122.467514&sspn=0.046342,0.086775&vpsrc=6&t=h&g=10th+Avenue,+San+Francisco,+CA&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=10+Sunny+Isles+Blvd,+Sunny+Isles+Beach,+Florida+33160&ll=25.929594,-80.11974&spn=0.00659,0.010847&z=17&iwloc=A&ved=0CA4QpQY&sa=X&ei=g3KfT_eBMaK2zAWT2JVt


for instance.

Google map fonctions are preferred.

A plus would additionally include the Bing's bird view option.

The project has to be done in Java.

Budget: $50

Starting On: May 1, 2012

Ending On:

Posted On: May 01, 2012 05:30 UTC

ID: 201136153

Category: Software Development > Desktop Applications

Skills: java,google-apps,google-maps

Country: United States

Hours Billed: 0.00

click to apply

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