lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

X-Cart Design and Support consultant - oDesk


We are looking for someone that can complete the following tasks:

1.We are looking for someone to design a complete custom skin for our X-Cart pro site. We are a pet related business and will be selling pet products online. Needs to be functional and SEO friendly.

Example Site:

2. Someone to help with moving the site from a subdirectory to the root directory of the store once the site design is completed.

Example: Move site from to

We hope that whoever we hire can be our xcart support person if we need help with it in the future. We hope to build a long term relationship to help us with our ecommerce needs.

SEO in Xcart is a plus. We will be installing CDSEO addon and xCMS to help with this. If you have skills with these addons that is a plus as well. We will also be integrating data feeds down the road and will need help optimizing those.

I will set this contract as a fixed price contract for the 2 tasks we need done. If those are done and we work well together we will launch an additional contracts as needed for services.

Budget: $300

Starting On: May 1, 2012

Ending On:

Posted On: May 01, 2012 05:28 UTC

ID: 201136144

Category: Web Development > Ecommerce

Skills: x-cart,design,selling,seo

Country: United States

Hours Billed: 166.83

click to apply

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