jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

Need a design for my business card - oDesk

Dear odesk provider,

I need a simple, classic, business card.

The business card has some particularities that needs some tuning !

The business card will have my name, email and phone.

The business card should have our main company logo + two smaller logos.

The business card should have on one side my details of our french office in English

The business card should have on another side my details of our greek office in Greek

Please provide me a quote for that design. You may suggest better ideas of design if needed.

When sending quote, use keyword "Greektypo" to be sure you have read the original brief. Thanks

Budget: $20

Starting On: September 27, 2012

Ending On:

Posted On: September 27, 2012 11:06 UTC

ID: 201680418

Category: Design & Multimedia > Print Design

Skills: design,french,english

Country: Greece

Hours Billed: 1,252.33

click to apply

via All Design & Multimedia jobs | oDesk.com https://www.odesk.com/jobs/Need-design-for-business-card_%7E019eed714ba6c0cb25?source=rss

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